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Early Treatment Conference
October 13-14, 2023 - Mountain City Church
(formerly Anchorage Baptist Temple)
Covid and Beyond:
The Establishment and you
How did the last round of Covid effect you and your family?
Did you lose a friend or relative during Covid?
Did your kids fall years behind in their education due to school closures & masks?
Will you be ready for the next round?
Hear from medical experts who fought back and saved lives!
Find out treatment for long Covid and other complications from the vaccine or Covid.
Learn about the impact of AI and technofascism from expert speakers.
President of the Heartland Institute: "Covid Policies. A trial run for future government control."
Stay informed. Join us!!

Dr. Peter McCullough
COVID-19 Illness and Vaccine Syndromes: Importance of Spike Protein Detoxification.
Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist holding degrees from Baylor University, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, University of Michigan, and Southern Methodist University. He manages common infectious diseases as well as the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas TX, USA.
He has broadly published on a range of topics in medicine with more than 1,000 publications and over 685 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

Dr. Ilona Farr
80th Percentile Rule, Supply Chain Challenges, Censorship, Covid Injuries and Treatment.
Dr. Farr is an Alaskan Solo Family Medicine Physician who has successfully treated well over 2000 Covid patients. She has been an advocate for early Covid treatment as well as trying to find treatments for long Covid and Covid vaccine injuries. She graduated from University of Washington and has been practicing medicine for over 37 years.

Dr. Ryan Cole
Pathology, Clots, Sudden Death, Vaccine Injuries, Future mRNA Vaccines.
Dr. Cole received his medical degree from the Medical College of Virginia Commonwealth University. He spent 5 years in training at the Mayo Clinic completing his residency in Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, as well as a fellowship in Surgical Pathology.

Dr. Jordan Vaughn
Treatment of Long Covid & Blood Clots
Dr. Vaughn is an internist in Birmingham, Alabama where he manages a Long Covid clinic and patients with ongoing symptoms following a Covid-19 vaccination.

Dr. Diane Counce
Board Certified in Neurology, NeuroRadiology, and Headache Medicine. She also has Certificate of Added Qualification in Headache Medicine through the National Headache Foundation. Her private practice in neurology started in 2001 and she has been in solo practice since 2008 in Hoover, AL.
Dr. Counce has been interviewed for 8 neurology related articles for Epoch Times and has presented a talk on spike protein induced movement disorders for the FLCCC Weekly Webinar on March 29, 2023. She has been a member of Concerned Doctors since 2021,, and the FLCCC, in addition to the American Academy of Neurology, American Headache Society and the American Society of NeuroImaging. Recently, she has joined the First Nation Medical Board and The Body.

Dr. Richard Urso
Repurposed Drugs: The Challenge of Access to FDA Approved Drugs
Dr. Urso is a health care provider from Houston, Texas. He has 35 years of experience. His specialties include plastic surgery and Ophthalmology.

Dr. Stewart Tankersley
Covid Vaccines: Effects on Reproduction; Effects on the military
He is a family practice doctor in Montgomery, Alabama. Colonel (ret) Dr. Tankersley graduated from Auburn University and enlisted in the Army before going to medical school at UAB. He completed two years in OB/GYN training before he and his wife spent a year training as Christian missionaries. He completed family practice residency in 2002. He practices in Montgomery AL with the exception of three deployments in the United States Army's Medical Corp for the War On Terror. He received awards for each of his deployments. In 2012 Alabama Governor Kay Ivey appointed Dr. Tankersley to serve a five-year term on the Alabama Ethics Commission. In Oct 2020 Dr Tankersley was appointed by Gov Kay Ivey to be part of the state's COVID vaccine task force. He is co-founder of Concerned Doctors of Alabama

James Taylor
Covid Policies: Trial Run, Future Government Control
James Taylor is president of the Heartland Institute and founding director & Arthur B. Robinson Center for Climate and Environmental Policy. Taylor has presented energy and environmental analysis on every major television network in the United States, and at conferences in America and Europe.

Dr. Meryl Nass
The World Health Organization & My Story with the Medical Board
Dr. Nass is an internal medicine physician and activist with experience in Anthrax and Bioterrorism. She has treated patients with Gulf War Syndrome and adverse effects from the Anthrax vaccine.

Michael Ashley
Technofascism is Here but We Can Change that Story
Michael Ashley began his writing career as a newspaper reporter and playwright before transitioning to Hollywood. A former screenwriting professor, Michael has written over 50 books on many subjects, including four on AI and Big Data. He recently co-authored Neuromined: Triumphing over Technological Tyranny. Michael serves as a columnist for Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Becker's Hospital Review.

Senator Lora Reinbold
Executive, Judicial and Legislative Accountability - Covid and Beyond
Former Senator Reinbold has been in the political trenches fighting back against the tyranny of Covid lockdowns and mandates since March 2020. She has been a tireless advocate of citizens rights through the entire Covid crackdown. She brings passion and legislative knowledge to the forum.
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